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  • Preferred option
    Mastermind Guest Pass: $100$100.00
  • Preferred option
    Pro Membership + Workshop Access (Save $200, Pay Monthly)4x $325.00

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  • Total payment
  • 1xMastermind Guest Pass: Sue Moore from Virtual Gold Dust$0

All prices in USD

Here's what you'll learn: 

A simple approach to figure out what ideal buyers need to hear, so your messages can resonate and drive more engagement and sales

How to identify the signs that your messaging lacks emotional depth, so you can keep people from ignoring you and buying from your competitors

How to inject more emotion into your copy, so buyers feel you can read their minds (and they can't help but buy)

Here's a few more things you need to know: 

I'll share a video of the session to everyone who registers, so you'll get the benefit of the session (even if you can't make this day or time)

You'll have an opportunity to ask Sue and myself any burning questions you might have about marketing psychology and how to 2x your marketing effectiveness (and sales) with psychology-driven copywriting.

If you can't make this day or time but still have some questions you'd like answered live, you can send them to me (just respond to the registration confirmation email) and I'll share them during the session.
